Certificate translation is a highly delicate form of legal translation, as mistakes can result in very negative consequences – including of a financial or legal nature – for individuals and companies (e.g. losing a trial, a business, a scholarship or a subsidy). At Ampersand we only work with translators who are native speakers of the target language, have experience in certificate translation, are proficient in the terminology for the field in question and have extensive knowledge of the culture of the target country, in order to ensure that our certificate translations are impeccable. Our services are backed by 30 years of experience and more than 4,000 clients.
In today’s globalised world it is very common for Spanish companies and individuals to do business in foreign countries, and vice versa. Likewise, the widespread movement of people means that many individuals live, marry, have children, acquire and bequeath assets, etc. in countries other than the one they were born in. As a result, they require documents in the necessary languages, and so the translation of certificates - among other documents - is absolutely essential.
At Ampersand we translate certificates of all types and for all kinds of clients. Depending on the certificate in question, we select translators with knowledge of the corresponding field (e.g. law, finance, employment, medicine, education, technology, etc.). Below are some examples of the types of certificates we translate (although the full list is much longer):
Our translators are native speakers of the target language, are familiar with the culture of the country, always have more than five years of experience and boast proven knowledge of the terminology and sector for the certificate in question.
Having a stable in-house team of translators enables us to oversee the entirety of the translation process, both now and in the future. This guarantee cannot be given by companies that depend on freelance professionals, who may not be available the next time the company needs them.
We understand how important it is to deliver documents such as certificates on time. That is why we work with well-defined workflows that are monitored with management tools, to ensure that each stage of the process is completed within the specified time frame.
As one of the longest-established Barcelona-based agencies in certificate translation, we remain responsible for our work in the long term. When we deliver a translation, it is always guaranteed: a quality that is valued highly by our clients.
Our project managers make sure they are always available to our clients while our translators are at work. This enables us to save our clients a great deal of time, by assigning a single point of contact to ensure the client’s needs are met and address any new requirements that may arise.
We know that certificates are highly sensitive documents We act as a partner of the company or individual, protecting their interests through our meticulous work processes, extremely rigorous IT security systems and in-house team of professionals, all of whom are subject to confidentiality agreements.
We regularly work with law firms, tax consultants, international companies and many other types of organisations that often need to translate certificates in order to carry out their activities at the international level. These clients have entered into collaboration agreements with us that are entirely bespoke, adapted in line with their work schedules and offer extremely competitive prices while guaranteeing the highest standards of quality and confidentiality. Each client is assigned a member of our team who will dedicate their efforts to meeting the client’s needs. They also have specific glossaries and translation memories for their projects, in order to ensure consistency and streamline the process for each new translation.
Request your translation now and get a quote within 24 to 48 hours!
Translating a certificate with Ampersand begins with the assignment of a project manager, who will work with a team of translators and specialists in the field of the certificate that is to be translated.
Depending on the complexity of the certificate and the language combination required, we carry out a number of translation and revision processes which enable us to faithfully reproduce the original.
Our stringent security and confidentiality measures remain in place right up to the point of delivery, for which purpose we use courier companies that are qualified for this type of task. Our commitment continues even after delivery.
Very often, an organisation that requires the translation of a certificate will also specify that the translation must be sworn, so that it will be legally valid. At Ampersand we have a team of sworn translators who are certified by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and can provide officially valid certificate translations. Sworn translation has a separate cost and is not always necessary; it is therefore important that the client establishes whether a standard or sworn translation is required.
Simply go to the “Get a quote” page, fill out the form and attach the certificate you need to translate, in the format in which you have it (scanned image or digital format such as PDF, JPG, etc.). On the form, you can also specify whether the translation is urgent. We will then evaluate your request and get back to you promptly with details of the price and time frame for delivery. Once you accept the quote, we will get to work on your translation immediately.
The cost depends on the type of certificate and whether the translation needs to be sworn. If it does need to be sworn, the price of the translation starts at €39 (VAT not included) for the most common language combinations. From then on, the cost will be based on the word count (from €0.13 per word); consequently, translating an academic certificate (for example), which may contain many pages, is not the same as translating a birth certificate, which may only consist of a few dozen words.
As with the previous question, the answer depends on the document to be translated. For routine documents in common language combinations, the translation process is faster, as we have specific glossaries. In contrast, certificates with terminology that is less common will take longer to translate.
If you would like a quote for the translation of a certificate, please call us on 93 415 99 90 or send us a request via the form, making sure to attach the material to be translated so that we can evaluate it. We will get back to you on the same day.
Through a process that has been perfected over the years, consisting of a project manager who knows the client’s profile and the target language and country in depth, a stable team of translators that allows us to quickly select the best translator for each case, and an internal quality control process that enables us to validate the quality of the translation.
Yes. We provide our clients with a dedicated team of translators specialising in the languages that are most in demand at the European level (English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Dutch and Portuguese). We also take on projects in other languages, such as Japanese, Arabic and Chinese. Ask us for information on prices and time frames.