Patent translation is a very delicate type of technical translation, as patents make it possible for the exploitation and usage rights for a company’s technical devices, products, equipment or processes to be protected in other countries. An error, however small, can throw away years of research and large sums of money, as it may result in a delay in accepting the patent application and thereby benefit other companies. At Ampersand we have translated patents for more than 30 years, always ensuring that we use the appropriate format for submission to the patent office in each country.
Patents are documents that require a mastery of technical and legal language, as they make reference to the technical characteristics of the invention that is to be patented and to the legal documents that accompany the application. For this reason, our patent translators have an in-depth understanding of the terminology of both fields and the market in question. This ensures that they understand the patent and are able to produce a translation that is scrupulously faithful to the original while remaining free of any ambiguities.
Our guaranteed translation processes are backed by translation memories obtained from patents that have already been granted, and are complemented by a revision process governed by our own in-house quality control system. This allows us to minimise the possibility of an application being rejected due to errors, and in turn ensures that the registration time - which is usually long, even in the best of cases - is as short as possible.
We know that patents are highly sensitive documents that must be delivered on time. That is why we work with well-defined workflows that are monitored with management tools, to ensure that each stage of the process is completed within the specified time frame. We work proactively to prevent any delays and communicate with the client throughout the process in order to keep them informed.
We are a company with extensive experience in patent translation. This gives our clients added peace of mind, as they know that we will always deliver the best results and provide long-term after-sales service and support: not only with regard to the project delivered, but also with regard to any other issues that may arise.
We believe that when translating a patent, it is not only important to produce a high-quality translation, but also to ensure we are available to meet any needs that may arise in relation to the project. For this reason, we assign a single point of contact to each company or project, as applicable, in order to reduce response times and give our clients maximum peace of mind.
We know that patents are documents that require the most stringent security measures to protect the information they contain. That is why we have highly effective IT security systems and work with a stable team of translators - all of whom are individually subject to confidentiality agreements - in order to ensure maximum control over the translation process.
We regularly work with the R&D departments of companies and institutions that sell a wide range of patented technical devices, products, equipment and processes, as well as their usage rights. We are able to adapt to our clients’ scheduling needs and to their budgets by offering volume discounts. We are backed by more than 2,000 corporate and institutional clients, particularly in the pharmaceutical, technology, food and metallurgical sectors, among others.
We believe that one of Ampersand’s differentiating features is the ability to combine a streamlined quote process with a precise price and time frame.
Translating a patent with Ampersand begins with the assignment of a project manager, who will work with a team of translators and specialists in the relevant field. All of those involved will be bound by a confidentiality agreement.
The document will pass through several stages of translation and revision, always governed by the same conditions of confidentiality. It will also be subject to an internal quality control analysis, in order to guarantee its linguistic quality and (in particular) its technical precision.
Our stringent security and confidentiality measures remain in place right up to the point of delivery, for which purpose we use secure delivery systems and courier companies that are qualified for this type of task. Our commitment continues even after delivery.
In some cases (e.g. legal proceedings), the translation of a patent must be sworn in order for it to be valid in a country other than the one that the patent was registered in. At Ampersand we have a team of sworn translators who are certified by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and can provide patent translations that require official certification. Owing to the difference in price between the technical translation of a patent and a sworn translation, it is important that the client consult its legal representative or the body that requires the translation in order to determine whether or not it needs to be sworn.
According to the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation), patents are rights that apply in the country in which the patent is granted. Therefore, if a company or institution wishes to protect the exploitation rights to its idea in other countries, it must apply for a patent, which requires the translation of the original patent documents.
The price of a patent translation can vary greatly, as it depends on many factors. As with other documents, the urgency of the translation and the length and format of the text all have an influence. We must also take into account the number of languages into which the document needs to be translated. Additionally, if you entrust the translation to a company that offers high standards of confidentiality thanks to its investment in technological, legal and human resources, instead of a freelance professional without sufficient legal backing or a company with limited control over the disclosure of information, this investment will be reflected in the quote.
Depending on the patent, it may take one or more weeks. For cases in which we have already translated a number of patents for the same company or institution, the specific glossary and translation memory we create for the client will make each new translation faster. If you would like to know the exact time frame for translating your document, ask us for a no-obligation quote, making sure to send us the materials that are to be translated. We will then set a specific deadline, which we will comply with scrupulously.
By assigning a project manager who understands the needs of the client and the unique requirements of the patent holder, selecting the best translator (one who has a mastery of the technical and legal terminology and a thorough understanding of the source and target markets) for the project in question, and carrying out an exhaustive revision of the translation in accordance with our in-house quality controls.
Yes. We provide our clients with a dedicated team of translators specialising in the languages that are most in demand at the European level (English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Polish, Dutch and Portuguese). We also take on projects in other languages, such as Japanese, Arabic and Chinese. Ask us for information on prices and time frames.