Insurance translation

Insurance policies are a specific type of contract that insure a risk in exchange for payment of a premium. These documents must be available to insurers’ customers in various languages. In this field, terminology is fixed and must be respected. This is why, at Ampersand, we use the necessary tools to incorporate your glossaries and respect the style of previous insurance translations. What is more, we can offer sworn translation services, should this be required.

We translate the following languages in both directions


For other languages, please contact us.

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Insurance translation into Catalan

If you want to reach the concerned parties in any proceedings, they need to understand what you are communicating, especially when it comes to insurance documents, which contain specific terms and conditions that must be met. For this reason, any translation of insurance texts must be carried out with care, with consideration of the specific vocabulary in this field, and must be faithful to the original. Translating your insurance documents into Catalan will open the door to the Catalan market, with around 10 million potential customers who will really value reading their insurance terms and conditions in their own language. For translations of your insurance texts and related documents, trust in professionals like Ampersand Translations and our team of native-speaker translators who specialise in insurance translation.

Insurance translation into Spanish

Over 513 million people all over the world speak Spanish, 442 million of whom are native speakers. Spanish is the second most spoken language as a mother tongue in the world, only beaten by Mandarin Chinese (over 900 million speakers). A good insurance translation into Spanish can therefore open the door to one of the biggest markets in the world. If you want to translate an insurance text or related document into Spanish, you will need a translator who is trained in this field to avoid any problems or misunderstandings; in this field, specific vocabulary must be used and the content of the original text must be reproduced with no alterations of any of the terms or conditions. At Ampersand Translations, we have been translating insurance documents into Spanish for 30 years and work with a team of native Spanish translators with vast experience in this field.

Insurance translation into English

Over 513 million people all over the world speak Spanish, 442 million of whom are native speakers. Spanish is the second most spoken language as a mother tongue in the world, only beaten by Mandarin Chinese (over 900 million speakers). A good insurance translation into Spanish can therefore open the door to one of the biggest markets in the world. If you want to translate an insurance text or related document into Spanish, you will need a translator who is trained in this field to avoid any problems or misunderstandings; in this field, specific vocabulary must be used and the content of the original text must be reproduced with no alterations of any of the terms or conditions. At Ampersand Translations, we have been translating insurance documents into Spanish for 30 years and work with a team of native Spanish translators with vast experience in this field.

Insurance translation into French

French is one of the languages with the most worldwide presence, especially in relations between international organisations. What’s more, it is a geographically close language for many key European countries. For this reason, many companies issue insurance policies for French-speaking users, and therefore require translations of their insurance documents into French. At Ampersand Translations, we respect the field’s specialist terminology and the content of the original text when translating your insurance materials and similar documents into French.

Insurance translation into German

Germany is home to a host of multinational companies in the finance sector, and these companies require insurance and reinsurance contracts that protect their business. So, if you want to reach these companies and over 130 million German speakers all over the world, it is essential to translate your insurance documents (general and special terms and conditions, platforms for policy holders, policy leaflets, etc.) into German. At Ampersand, we have been translating insurance documents into German for 30 years and work with a team of native German translators with vast experience in insurance translation.

Insurance translation into Italian

Italian is spoken by around 70 million people. If you want information on your insurance products to reach this significant audience, you need to have your insurance texts translated into Italian, whether they be leaflets on your services, general and special terms and conditions, policy holder assistance documents, etc. At Ampersand Translations, we can translate your insurance documents into Italian, as we work with a team of native Italian translators with vast experience in this field and the tools to respect the correct specialist terminology.

Insurance translation into Portuguese

Portuguese is a highly influential language, as around 235 million people speak it in Portugal, Brazil and various African countries. To reach this huge audience, it is important to have your insurance documents and related texts translated into Portuguese, while taking your target audience’s language variant into account. What’s more, for your special and general terms and conditions, customer service documents and many other similar texts, the translation must include the right terminology and be a faithful reflection of the original. At Ampersand Translations, we translate insurance documents and other related texts into Portuguese from Portugal and Brazilian Portuguese and work with a team of native Portuguese translators with vast experience in the field of insurance translation.

Insurance translation into Chinese

There is no question that, with over 900 million native speakers of Chinese, China is the biggest market in the world. To reach this vast market, you need to communicate well with your target audience. Translating your documentation into Chinese is therefore paramount. As well as using the right variety of Chinese (simplified or traditional), the translation must respect the field’s established terminology and fixed structures in Chinese. So, for translations of your insurance texts, trust in professionals like Ampersand Translations and our team of translators who specialise in translating this kind of document into Chinese.